Contract Type
Job Title
Job Sector
Working Days
Working Hours
Remote WorkNo
Additional Benefits
سكوتر من شركة شاومي المعروفه،
يمشي لمسافه 60 كيلو ب الشحنه الوحده،
مع كل ملحقاته و الكرتون،
ما فيه اي خرابات كأنه جديد،
مع جميع ملحقاته،
يتوفر فيه برنامج تتحكم فيه من التلفون،
قابل بشكل معقول
A scooter from the well-known Xiaomi company,
travels a distance of 60 km on a single charge,
with all its accessories and the box,
has no defects, as if it were new,
with all its accessories,
comes with an app that allows you to control it from your phone.