Contract TypeFull Time
Job TitleBeautician
Job SectorBeauty & Health
Working Days6
Working HoursFixed Working Hours
Remote WorkNo
Additional BenefitsMedical InsuranceRewards
NationalityDoesn't Matter
مطلوب موظفه ذو خبره ف مجال الصوالين ملمة بجميع الخدمات مجمل عام حف ...ميكب...تساريح...فيشل ....حلاوه وغيرها
عاجل مطلوب محنيه من الجنسيه عمانيه او هنديه او باكستانيه او تنزانيه وتجيد خدمات اخرى غير النقش ف الصالون
An employee with experience is required in the field of Al -Sawalin, which is familiar with all services, the total general, a bare ... Makeb ...
A detention of Omani, Indian, Pakistaniya, or Tanzaniya nationality is required, and other services are fluent in the salon