Contract Type
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Remote WorkNo
Additional Benefits
الغسالة ممتازة جدا وشبه جديدة مدة الاستخدام تقريبا 5 شهور ويتبقى ضمان نستو لمدة 7 شهور..فاتورة الشراء والضمان موجودة . سعر الشراء 140 ريال . وسعر البيع 100 ريال .
للتواصل وتس اب فقط
The washing machine is very good and almost new. The period of use is approximately 5 months and the Nesto warranty is still 7 months. The purchase invoice and warranty are available. The purchase price is 140 riyals. The selling price is 100 riyals.
For communication, WhatsApp only