جيرمن شبرد لونق هير شولاين

6 / 1



آخر ذكر ونثيه جيرمن شبرد شولاين لونق هير مستوى عالي احجام ضخمه ماشاءالله تربيه بيت لعوبين العمر 45 يوم متوفر صور الاهالي Click to show phone number.. 944463XX

Last male and female German shepherd puppies showline long hair high quality house raised and playfully also full of joy 45 days old parents pictures available Click to show phone number.. 944463XX

Post ID: 259785213

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350 OMR
General Tips
  1. Only meet in public places
  2. Never pay or transfer money in advance
  3. Inspect the product before you buy it

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Member Since 21-07-2022
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Muscat - Seeb

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