انا متخصص في المشتريات. لدي اثنان وعشرون عامًا من الخبرة في الشئون الادارية والمشتريات وابرام العقود والتخطيط. تشمل هذه الفترة أحد عشر عامًا من الخبرة في مجال المشتريات. شاركت خلال هذه الفترة في العديد من الدورات التدريبية في مجال المشتريات وإدارة الأفراد والأصول
2018 Nov - Until now
Agricultural Value Chain Development Project
prepare and periodically update the Project Procurement Plan based on the Banks template and ensure Banks approval of the same; • In cases of procurement actions requiring the Banks clearance and no objection, review any procurement related documents for compliance with the financing agreement.
2013 Jan - 2018 Oct
Integrated Agricultural and Marketing Development Project and Seed Development Project
Provided the procurement requirements to implement the WASRM &SDP Projects activities through the provision of goods, works and services, including consultant's services. Responsible for Planning and coordinating and supervising procurement activities in the projects levels.
African Development Bank
International Fund for Agricultural Development Fund (IFAD)
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