ساعة 21

Logitech performance Mk710 wireless keyboard & Mouse

Logitech performance Mk710 wireless keyboard & Mouse
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Logitech performance Mk710 wireless keyboard & Mouse



متطلبات الوظيفة


Logitech performance Mk710 wireless keyboard & Mouse

Product details

Top Highlights

Brand Logitech

Colour Black

Connectivity technology Wireless

Special features Wrist Rest

Compatible devices PC & Laptop

Keyboard description Wireless

Power-Packed Combo: This wireless keyboard and optical mouse provide reliable power and connectivity when it's needed, with a battery life of up to 3 years

Simply Comfortable: The wireless keyboard features Logitech Incurve keys, cushioned palm restand mouse contoured to fit in the right hand that keep you comfortable for hours while navigating the web

Precision Scrolling: This wireless mouse comes with a hyper-fast scroll wheel with 2 modes - Free-spin to coast smoothly through long documents/web pages or ratchet mode for point-by-point precision

Instant Status: An LED dashboard along the top of the wireless keyboard gives you an at-a-glance icon status displaying your battery, caps lock, scroll lock and num lock

Advanced Connectivity: The wireless keyboard and mouse combo comes with a mini encrypted and secure Logitech Unifying USB-receiver. One receiver can be paired to up to 6 PCs, laptops or tablets

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