
Selling laptop hp and non working ps3 which can be repaired easily with thermal paste

Selling laptop hp and non working ps3 which can be repaired easily with thermal paste
Resbeeالخوير, مسقط
الخوير, مسقط

Selling laptop hp and non working ps3 which can be repaired easily with thermal paste



متطلبات الوظيفة


Negotiable the price .Selling laptop that has 4gb ram ddr3 and 500gb storage with charger included works fine and selling a non working ps3 which can easily be repaired by adding thermal paste with a controller the price is 37 rial for all extra 5 rial if u want it delivered also selling table and it's extra 4 rial if u also want the table

اسأل جهة التوظيف
اعلان رقم: 260158805

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