قبل 8 ساعات

For rent a flat 2BHK in Al Qurum, in the Seih Al Maleh area, for families

For rent a flat 2BHK in Al Qurum, in the Seih Al Maleh area, for families
التكاتف .القرم, مسقط
القرم, مسقط

For rent a flat 2BHK in Al Qurum, in the Seih Al Maleh area, for families



متطلبات الوظيفة


For rent spacious apartments in Al Qurum in the Seih Al Maleh area

The beautiful building is located in Al Qurum, in the Seeh Al Maleh area.

The apartments are available in organized spaces and enjoy peace and comfort after a long day at work.

Some rooms have balconies with balcony views. The rooms are white in color, and the apartment includes full bathrooms

Tenants can move and walk around the building for easy access to all services and markets due to its proximity to all highways and secondary outlets.

The apartment consists

of 2 bedrooms

And 3 toilets

and a kitchen

and lounge

The apartments and the corridors of the building are distinguished by their wide spaces, their calmness, their distance from the noise of the city, and their proximity to all services

And a guard is available 24 hours to ensure the quality of your comfort

The rental price is 270 riyals per month

Apartment website: https://goo.gl/maps/rAEjCvKNTAz5o8QT7

You can contact us through the call center قدم على الوظيفة لإظهار الرقم..245050XX

اسأل جهة التوظيف
اعلان رقم: 260058839

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القرم, مسقط
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عضو منذ 07-02-2017
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