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Green Lion 2 IN 1 360 Microphone USB-C Lightning ميكروفون Green Lion 2 IN 1 360 USB-C Lightn

Green Lion 2 IN 1 360 Microphone USB-C Lightning   ميكروفون Green Lion 2 IN 1 360 USB-C Lightn
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Green Lion 2 IN 1 360 Microphone USB-C Lightning ميكروفون Green Lion 2 IN 1 360 USB-C Lightn



متطلبات الوظيفة


Green Lion 2 IN 1 360 Microphone USB-C Lightning

ميكروفون Green Lion 2 IN 1 360 USB-C Lighting

2-in-1 Connectivity: The "2 IN 1" in the name suggests that the microphone supports both USB-C and Lightning connectivity. This dual-connectivity feature allows the microphone to be compatible with a broader range of devices, including computers, smartphones, and tablets.

360-Degree Microphone: The "360 Microphone" likely refers to an omnidirectional microphone, capable of capturing sound from all dir

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اعلان رقم: 259928659

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Future of IT
Future of IT
عضو منذ 24-11-2016
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