ساعة 11

Apple Magsafe Charger MHXH3 شاحن ابل ماجسيف

Apple Magsafe Charger MHXH3  شاحن ابل ماجسيف
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القرم, مسقط

Apple Magsafe Charger MHXH3 شاحن ابل ماجسيف



متطلبات الوظيفة


MagSafe Technology: The MagSafe Charger uses magnets to align perfectly with compatible devices, ensuring efficient charging every time. The magnets snap onto the back of your iPhone 12 or later models, ensuring proper alignment for optimal charging rates.

Wireless Charging: It enables wireless charging for Qi-compatible devices, including the iPhone 12 series and other Qi-enabled devices like AirPods with Wireless Charging Case and AirPods Pro.

Fast Charging: The MagSafe Charger supports fast w

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القرم, مسقط
Future of IT
Future of IT
عضو منذ 24-11-2016
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