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Epson LQ 350 24pin Dot Matrix Printer طابعة ابسون LQ 350 24 بن نقطية

Epson LQ 350 24pin Dot Matrix Printer  طابعة ابسون LQ 350 24 بن نقطية
Future of ITالقرم, مسقط
القرم, مسقط

Epson LQ 350 24pin Dot Matrix Printer طابعة ابسون LQ 350 24 بن نقطية



متطلبات الوظيفة


Epson LQ 350 24pin Dot Matrix Printer

طابعة ابسون LQ 350 24 بن نقطية

24-Pin Dot Matrix Printing: The LQ-350 utilizes a 24-pin print head, which allows for precise and detailed printing. This enables it to produce sharp text and graphics with excellent clarity.

High-Speed Printing: The printer is capable of printing at a fast speed of up to 347 characters per second (cps) in high-speed draft mode. This ensures efficient and quick printing of documents.

Compact and Robust Design: The LQ-350 has a

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اعلان رقم: 259928061

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القرم, مسقط
Future of IT
Future of IT
عضو منذ 24-11-2016
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