نوع عقد التوظيفعقد دائم
المسمى الوظيفيشيف - طباخ
القطاع الوظيفيفندقة ومطاعم
المعلنشركة توظيف
عدد أيام العمل6
ساعات الدوامساعات عمل محددة
عمل من المنزللا
المزايا الاضافيةعمولة
الجنسيةغير عماني
I am looking for a chef who specializes in making cakes, decorating them with sugar paste and cream, forming shapes with sugar, and designing beautiful designs. I want him to be cooperative with his colleagues in the bakery and help them in teamwork... The work is 6 days and one day off per week. The salary is determined later after the agreement. Housing is available with me.