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Google nest hub max smart home device

Google nest hub max smart home device
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Google nest hub max smart home device



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Product details

Top highlights

“Hey Google, call Mom.” Make video calls to friends and family like this. You can also leave video messages for each other on Nest Hub Max.

Whether you're across the house or across the country, Nest Hub Max helps everyone stay in touch. You can make video calls or leave video messages with Duo. It’s hands-free, so just say, “Hey Google, call Grandma.” The 10-inch HD touchscreen delivers sharp images and text, while the 6.5MP camera captures photos in stunning detail.

This Google Nest Hub Max has a built-in stereo speaker system with a 30W subwoofer for high-quality audio, and Google Assistant makes issuing commands simple.

Google Duo account required to make video calls and leave video messages. Night Vision not supported. Personalized results, for up to six users, require additional enrollment and setup. YouTube TV and music services require a subscription.

Works With Google Assistant, Nest, Arlo, Hue, SmartThings, Wink.

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