Ps 4 playstation 4 for sell 2 games 2 controllers and with accessorys everything in Good conditionon

قبل 7 ساعات
9 / 1



I buy it 3 months ago from an Philippines guy he keept it so much good so I buy it and now I'm selling u didn't use so much like I use it when ever I get bored or nothing to do but don't worry about the console it's in best condition and working

The PlayStation 4 (PS4) is a home video game console developed by Sony Interactive Entertainment. Announced as the successor to the PlayStation 3 in February 2013, it was launched on November 15, 2013, in North America, November 29, 2013, in Europe, South America, and Australia, and on February 22, 2014, in Japan. A console of the eighth generation, it competes with Microsoft's Xbox One and Nintendo's Wii U and Switch.

PlayStation 4

The original PlayStation 4 console with the DualShock 4 controller


Sony Interactive Entertainment


Sony Electronics, Foxconn[1]

إعلان رقم: 260215631

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 Marwan naseer

Marwan naseer

( 0 )
عضو منذ 18-02-2025
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