Iphone 15 promax Cleannnnn & V-Good Condition 256GB With no scratches for sale with Box & Cable

خدمة التوصيلأمس
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For sale: iPhone 15 Pro Max 256GB, in perfect condition. The phone is very clean, well-maintained, and fully functional with no issues. Comes with the original box and charging cable.

• Condition: Like new, no scratches or dents

• Storage: 256GB

• Accessories: Original box & cable included

• Battery health: Excellent

• Color: [White]

Serious buyers only. Contact for more details or to arrange a viewing.

إعلان رقم: 260101483

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330 ريال
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 BOLD. Store

BOLD. Store

( 3 )
عضو منذ 06-05-2023
وقت التجاوب خلال 16 ساعة


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