TP-Link Deco BE65 BE9300 Tri-Band Whole Home Mesh WiFi 7 System, Speeds up to 9214 Mbps

خدمة التوصيلقبل 13 ساعة
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Product details

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Hardware interface802.11 ac/b/g/n


Compatible devicesLaptop, Smart TV, Desktop, Tablet

Data link protocolGigabit Ethernet

Data transfer rate9214 Megabits Per Second

WiFi 7 Mesh speed – 9.3 Gbps Tri-Band WiFi 7 – 5765 Mbps (6 GHz) + 2882 Mbps (5 GHz) + 688 Mbps (2.4 GHz)

2.5 Gbps Wired Connections – 4× 2.5 Gbps ports ensure max flexibility and boosted throughput

Wireless and Wired Combined Backhaul – Connects a wireless and wired backhaul with each unit simultaneously to improve overall throughput and reduce latency

Multi-Link Operation (MLO) – Simultaneously send and receive data across different bands and channels to increase throughput, reduce latency, and improve reliability

320 MHz Channels – Double the bandwidth and enables many more simultaneous transmissions at the fastest possible speeds

Works on the 6 GHz Band – Minimizes congestion with greenfield spectrum, delivering robust high-speed connections

TP-Link HomeShield – Provides comprehensive network protection, robust parental controls, and real-time IoT security

Universal Compatibility – Backward compatible with all WiFi generations and works with any internet service provider (ISP) and modem

Compatible with New iPhone - The new iPhone 16 and 16 Pro now support the latest WiFi 7 standard, while TP-Link WiFi 7 Mesh delivers the speed and performance of this next-gen WiFi technology

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