Beautiful & Spacious 4-Bedroom Standalone Villa for Rent in Madinat Sultan Qaboos

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Beautiful & Spacious 4-Bedroom Standalone Villa for Rent in Madinat Sultan Qaboos


Discover this beautiful and spacious 4-bedroom standalone villa located in the prime area of Madinat Sultan Qaboos, Muscat. This villa offers modern amenities and a peaceful residential environment, perfect for families.

Property Details:

Location: Madinat Sultan Qaboos, Muscat

Rent: 1350 OMR per month

Bedrooms: 4

Bathrooms: 5

Type: Standalone Villa

Key Features:

Large living and dining area

Big kitchen

1 Bedroom on the ground floor with en-suite bathroom

3 Bedrooms on the first floor (all en-suite) with wardrobes

Private garden

Shaded parking


Split AC units

Prime Location close to:


Shopping malls



For viewing or more information, please contact us at إضغط ليظهر الرقم.. 905099XX

إعلان رقم: 260020165

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