Ubiquiti Networks UniFi Cloud Key Plus Gen 2 with 1TB SSD

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Ubiquiti Networks UniFi Cloud Key Plus Gen 2 with 1TB SSD

Ubiquiti Networks UniFi Cloud Key+ G2 SSD


1TB 2.5" SATA SSD (Upgradeable)

802.3af PoE QuickCharge 2.0 USB-C

1 x Gigabit Ethernet Poe+ Port

2 x USB-C Ports

1 x MicroSD Card Slot

Front Panel Display

Hybrid Cloud Technology


The UniFi Cloud Key Plus Gen 2 from Ubiquiti Networks is an integrated hardware controller and self-contained application server designed to monitor and manage your UniFi network devices and camera surveillance system.

The UniFi Cloud Key Gen2 Plus features an eight-core processor with 3GB of RAM and 32GB eMMC flash storage. It comes with a 1TB 2.5" SATA solid-state drive already installed that can be upgraded if needed. There is a Gigabit Ethernet port, which supports 802.3af PoE. You can also power the device via the USB-C port with QuickCharge 2.0 technology.

The UniFi Cloud Key Gen2 Plus can configure and manage up to 20 UniFi cameras in UniFi Protect mode. It can also manage and configure up to 15 UniFi cameras and 50 UniFi devices in UniFi SDN + UniFi Protect mode.

The Ubiquiti hybrid cloud configuration provides a secure, private SSO (Single Sign-On) to access all of your UniFi deployments from anywhere in the world. With the hybrid cloud, a third-party hosted cloud service is not required, so all your personal data remains local and secure.

UniFi Protect

Easy Setup

Using a standard web browser or Bluetooth setup from your mobile device, deployment of your UniFi Protect controller can be set up and configured in a matter of minutes.

User Interface

Accessible from a web browser, the UniFi Protect was designed to be easy-to-use yet packed with advanced features. The UniFi Protect interface is intuitive and loaded with powerful features, such as statistical reporting, multiple live views options, versatile camera settings, advanced analytics, and customizable event recordings.

Plug and Play Installation

Automatic camera detection in UniFi Protect makes it easy to install and deploy cameras. All of the camera settings are integrated into the software. You can also configure, reboot, or upgrade the firmware on any camera from within the UniFi Protect interface.

Additional Live Views

Playlists can be created with a configurable live camera feed rotation. Define the cameras you want included in the playlist and how long you want them to appear on the screen before moving on to the next live feed.

Mobile App

The downloadable app provides free remote cloud access to your UniFi Protect system. It also allows you to securely access video recordings that are privately stored on the Cloud Key Gen2 Plus and not a third-party server or internet cloud.

Live View

View up to 20 live camera feeds in a single window. With basic and advanced template options available, choose the live view template that's right for you.

Time Lapse

The Time Lapse feature allows you to scroll through video events and recordings quickly and efficiently. Now you can sift through hundreds of hours of video in just minutes.


Video recordings are stored privately on the Cloud Key Gen2 Plus. With a built-in 1TB SSD, you can retain hundreds of recording hours without third-party storage or online digital footprints.

UniFi SDN Controller

Multi-Site Management

A UniFi Cloud Key Gen2 Plus installed at each deployment site provides an always-on, private UniFi cloud service. Every site is accessible through its assigned secure SSO. Each Cloud Key Gen2 Plus is independent with its own network monitoring, configuration, maps, statistics, and admin accounts.

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