Mazda CX-9 2011 AWD expat driven and very well maintained!

قبل 10 ساعات
14 / 1



Mazda CX-9 (2011 model, registered in 2012), which has been well-maintained, extremely clean, and in excellent condition. The car runs perfectly with no mechanical issues, making it a reliable choice for any buyer.

Interior & Exterior: Very clean and neat.

Premium Sound System: Factory-installed Bose speakers with subwoofers for an amazing audio experience.

New Tyres: 2024 Bridgestone tyres installed.

Additional Features: Sunroof, spacious 7-seater SUV, powerful performance

Note: The B

إعلان رقم: 259918649

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صاحب الإعلان

 Naveez Ahammad

Naveez Ahammad

( 0 )
عضو منذ 03-03-2025


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