Fairly Used Diwan Bed and Mattress (Good Condition) in Al Khuwair - FOR SALE

قبل 18 ساعة
6 / 1



Diwan Bed and Mattress is used but in very good condition. Can look as good as new if covered with bed sheet and pillows. The mattress is a single sleeper and is also very comfortable and perfect for bachelors who need second hand bed.

Approx Dimensions -

Mattress Dimensions:

190 L × 90 W × 13 H

Base Dimensions:

190 CM L × 90 CM W × 32 CM H

Diwan bed base - OMR 30

Mattress - OMR 10


Only the bed base and the mattress are for sale. I have included a picture with bed sheet

إعلان رقم: 259882817

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عضو منذ 02-03-2025
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