Luxurious Royal Sofa – Elegant & Timeless Design

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Luxurious Royal Sofa – Elegant & Timeless Design

Upgrade your living space with this exquisite, royal-style sofa, designed for ultimate comfort and elegance. Crafted with a solid wooden frame featuring intricate hand-carved details, this masterpiece boasts a plush, tufted golden upholstery that adds a touch of luxury to any setting.


Premium-quality wood with ornate carvings

Luxurious, golden fabric with a sophisticated pattern

Extra-wide seat with matching cushions for superior c

إعلان رقم: 259850841

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450 ريال
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صاحب الإعلان

 Mohd Abdullah

Mohd Abdullah

( 0 )
عضو منذ 01-03-2025


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