Mamas&Papas STRADA stroller + carrycot+ Cybex carseat + base + adapters

قبل 17 ساعة
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Strada Pushchair Carrycot - Ivy

Can be used from birth to support natural sleep

Easily carry your cot around thanks to a front release handle

Collapsible design means you can easily store it away

Strada Cybex/Maxi Car Seat Adaptors - Black

Simply clip the adaptors onto your chassis, and then click in your car seat for a lightweight, versatile travel system. When not in use, clip the adapters together using the built in magnets to ensure they stay as a pair.

إعلان رقم: 256742421

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180 ريال
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  3. قم بتفقد المنتج جيداً قبل شرائه.

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