Luxury branded Medical Mattress of Marina Home brand, Luxury Sofa, Steel Cot for Sale, Excellent con

قبل 16 ساعة
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Luxury branded Medical Mattress of Marina Home brand, Luxury Sofa, Steel Cot for Sale, Excellent condition, Expat leaving so urgent selling.

1. Luxury Marina Home branded Medical Mattress (King Size: 200 cm x 180 m x 30 cm) - Price OMR. 26/- only, original price 110 rial.

2. Luxury Sofa excellent condition like new, Triangle Shape Price OMR. 22/- only, original price 63 rial

3. Luxury Sofa Luxury branded Medical Mattress of Marina Home brand, Luxury Sofa, Steel Cot for Sale, Excellent condition, Expat leaving so urgent selling.

4. Steel Cot Single Bed Price OMR. 12/-

5. Old Model TV 28 Inch- Price OMR. 10

If interested please Contact No. إضغط ليظهر الرقم.. 924627XX

إعلان رقم: 256694513

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