Powerology Ultra Portable Air Compressor Power Bank

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The Powerology Ultra Portable Air Compressor Power Bank is a compact tire inflator that can effortlessly inflate your flat tire. This device can detect tire pressure and, if needed, inflate it continuously for up to 20 minutes. The flashlight used in this device allows you to use the compressor at night and makes sure that you won’t need to wait for rescue. Poweology air compressor only takes 3 hours to charge and is always ready for use. Lastly, this device also acts as a power bank, ensuring that you can use your phone anytime. Overall, the Powerology Ultra Portable Air Compressor Power Bank is a must-have tool if you are traveling most of the time.

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إضغط ليظهر الرقم.. 944230XX

إعلان رقم: 256407283

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 Irshad Future IT

Irshad Future IT

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