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مستلزمات إطعامهل لديك خدمة توصيل؟
مسقطالحي / المنطقة
القرمالقسم الرئيسي
لوازم الأطفال و الألعابالقسم الفرعي
مستلزمات أطفال
Children don't just need food to eat
make fitness fun for your kids!
I'm a certified children's fitness coach who believes that exercise should be enjoyable. I use fun and engaging activities to help kids improve their posture, strength, and coordination. Let's get kids moving and strong
Monthly assessment to see your child's progress
Classes are held privately and at your place
three sessions per week and 12 sessions per month, the time of each session is 45 minutes. For more information and to reserve classes, send a message to the below number
إضغط ليظهر الرقم.. 985461XX
...إعلان رقم: 256399925