Anker Nebula Apollo, Wi-Fi Mini Projector

قبل 11 ساعات
3 / 1




-Seamless Touch Controls: Browse your entertainment with pinpoint precision. Apollo's transparent touch panel gives you the power to navigate menus and more with ease, directly from the device.

-Clear Picture: See every detail of your favorite movies, shows, games, and more in remarkable clarity with Apollo's 200 ANSI lumen DLP lamp.

-Home Entertainment: Enjoy your favorite movies, TV shows, games, and more up to 100 inches big anywhere in your home thanks to Apollo's ultraportab

إعلان رقم: 256355327

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صاحب الإعلان

 Rabih Itani

Rabih Itani

( 1 )
عضو منذ 13-09-2017
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