Atlas Cloth Tape 2 inch x 25 Meter

قبل 7 ساعات
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Atlas cloth, known for its durability and versatility, is often used in various everyday applications. Here are some practical uses for atlas cloth in daily life:

Everyday Uses for Atlas Cloth

Household Repairs: Great for mending torn clothing, upholstery, or curtains due to its strength.

Craft Projects: Ideal for DIY crafts, including making bags, wallets, or other fabric items.

Gardening: Use it for plant ties, garden covers, or creating protective barriers.

Wrapping and Storage: Can be us

إعلان رقم: 256283785

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صاحب الإعلان

 Seller id 64133897 Rajesh

Seller id 64133897 Rajesh

( 3 )
عضو منذ 20-11-2022
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