Fujifilm Instax Mini LiPlay Hybrid Instant Camera

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Fujifilm Instax Mini LiPlay Hybrid Instant Camera

Product Description

Fujifilm Instax Mini LiPlay Hybrid Instant Camera - Elegant Black

The Fujifilm Instax Mini LiPLay may be the smallest Instax ever, but this all-new 2-in1 hybrid instant camera can throw an almighty punch. Perfect for the tiniest of bags (or even pockets) there’s a whole lot to love. For starters, this isn’t just an instant camera. It’s also a smart little printer, so you can also use LiPlay as your Smartphone’s personal printer.

Key Features:

First mini hybrid (can be used as a standalone camera, and/or printer)

Micro SD card slot, Selfie mirror, Self-timer, USB charging port

2.7 inch LCD display screen

12-second printer speed, on real film technology

100 print capacity when fully charged

Always Get Your Best Side

Then there’s the top-notch digital LCD screen and selfie mirror. The perfect combo for vamping up a storm and ensuring you only ever capture your best side to print, at an impressive 318 DPI, before sharing.

Filter Fun

And if you want to change up your look, try adding some wings. Or maybe even a moustache. With 30 smart and quirky frames and filters to pick from, you can play with your snaps until your heart’s content.

Print QR Codes

Sound, anyone? Select the new ‘record and covert to QR’ mode and a short sound clip will be recorded with every shot. This sound clip is then printed onto your picture as a QR code, ready for your Smartphone to read and transport you right back to that awesome moment.

Bluetooth Controlled

LiPlay also lets you get into the shot every time. Using your Smartphone as a remote, you can control this clever little Instax camera via Bluetooth.

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إضغط ليظهر الرقم.. 773280XX

إعلان رقم: 256265303

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