NIKURA 65 INCHES AUHD6530SLED 4k UHD Smart Android Television

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Nikura 65" AUHD6530SLED 4K UHD Smart Android Television – Unmatched Picture Quality & Smart Features

Take your home entertainment to the next level with the Nikura 65" AUHD6530SLED 4K UHD Smart Android Television. Stylish and striking, this TV combines the latest technology with a large, immersive screen to bring movies, sports, and gaming to life like never before. Boasting a 65-inch screen and 4K Ultra High Definition resolution, each detail will be crystal clear, with vibrant colors and exce

إعلان رقم: 256145073

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صاحب الإعلان

 Abhishek Deepak

Abhishek Deepak

( 0 )
عضو منذ 20-01-2023


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