Wedding dress, Maxi ,embroidered

قبل 5 ساعات
17 / 1



Make a Elegant and Classic Exquisite Wedding Embroidered Dress,

· Fabric: Luxurious silk or satin

· Embroidery: Intricate hand-embroidery with sparkling threads

· Neckline: Classic round neckline

· Sleeves: Long, flowing sleeves

· Length: Floor-sweeping length

· Colors: Available in ivory, champagne, and white

· Sizes: Customizable to fit your measurements

Modern and Trendy Stunning Wedding Embroidered Dress with a Modern Twist,

· Fabric: Luxurious lace or tulle

· Embroidery: Modern, geometric

إعلان رقم: 256123295

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عضو منذ 10-10-2024
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