Samsung Canister Vacuum Cleaner 2000 W Power (VC20M2510WB/SG)

قبل ساعتان
18 / 1



Very Good Condition

6 month Of Use ( home 2 person)

More suction power*

Would you like the power of a heavy-duty vacuum cleaner, but without the struggle of moving it? The lightweight design of the Samsung VC2500 bagged canister makes it easy to maneuver. And its powerful suction also ensures deep and intensive cleaning on carpets, rugs and hard floors.

-360o Hose

The 360o Hose can rotate at the base in a full circle, which enables it to move freely in any direction without getting twisted or

إعلان رقم: 256010843

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27 ريال
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عضو منذ 22-08-2020
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