Vileda Easy Wring & Clean Mops and Buckets

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The premium Vileda Easy Wring & Clean Spin Mop set is a combination of a microfibre mop and a bucket with a foot pedal operated wringer used for effortless wringing and quicker floor cleaning, Suitable for all hard floor surfaces including wood and laminate, Durable foot pedal for optimal mop wringing and humidity control, Designed funnel for easier mop insertion and water splash protection, Super absorbent strings made of 100% microfibre, Triangular mop head shape for excellent corner cleaning.

إعلان رقم: 255525609

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8 ريال
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صاحب الإعلان

 Uma shankar mandal

Uma shankar mandal

( 0 )
عضو منذ 03-12-2024


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