One-Bedroom Petite Villa with Parking and Private Courtyard

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One-Bedroom Petite Villa with Parking and Private Courtyard

Monthly Rent 290 OMR

This charming one-bedroom villa, fully furnished, offers a blend of comfort and convenience in the heart of Muscat, Al Khuwair.

Key Features:

• Private courtyard with an independent gate.

• Dedicated parking space.

• Fully renovated with a modern touch, designed by a professional interior design company.

• Upgraded kitchen, bathroom, and living area for a contemporary living experience.

-Ac system brand new Gree AC’s

Perfect for those seeking a stylish and functional home in a prime location.

Contact: For more details or to arrange a viewing, please contact إضغط ليظهر الرقم.. 905099XX

إعلان رقم: 255494177

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 Diamond Real Estate

Diamond Real Estate

( 167 )
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