PC - i5 9600k RX 5700XT 16GB RAM

قبل 5 ساعات
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CPU: i5 9600k

CPU cooler: Hyper Evo 212


RAM: OLOy 2x8gb 3000mhz CL16

Motherboard: Asrock B365M PRO4

Storage 1: ADATA SU750 500GB SSD

Storage 2: Seagate Barracuda 2TB HDD

Power Supply: Corsair CV550 550w PSU

Case: Deepcool e shield with 3x RGB fans

Windows 10 pro

Note: PC works perfectly 24/7 however there is a small issue with the motherboard, if you remove the RAM for any reason then reinstall it, sometimes it won’t work. You’ll have to keep on reseating it until it works. But if it’s working then it will never stop working as long as you don’t touch the RAM. It has been like this for years and it’s still working fine for me.

Price with GPU: 180

Price without GPU: 120

Location: near nesto al khoud and Ahmed bin Majid school

WhatsApp only: إضغط ليظهر الرقم.. 906989XX

إعلان رقم: 255472693

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