Headphone Haven!! Get What You Crave Man! 7 Available!! RARE & Amazing! Sony/Bowers/Parrot Ziks 1&3

خدمة التوصيلقبل ساعتان
22 / 1



We have an assortment for you today!!

On sale for a few days only, better hurry!!

Audiophile types, musicians, technology people!!! These are Earphones, Earbuds, Hear it Bud!

If you don’t know Parrot & their deceased headphone line...wow!

They had technology way before anyone else and the style was unmatched.

All over ear headphones are noise canceling wireless Bluetooth with touch panels on side of headphones.

Parrot has removable hot swappable batteries...just like the steel seri

إعلان رقم: 255434721

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