JBL Soundbar SB 400 with Base unit

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Bluetooth¬-enabled soundbar with a powerful, 200-watt wireless subwoofer. High-definition TV is great – but what good is it if its sound doesn’t match the quality of its video? Fortunately, the JBL Cinema SB400 system offers cinema-quality audio in a small space and high style. Its two-channel soundbar features four 2-1/4-inch (57-millimeter) woofers, two 1-inch (25-millimeter) tweeters, an amplifier that delivers up to 120 watts, integrated Bluetooth technology for streaming music from digital

إعلان رقم: 255390141

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 Biya Siddiqi

Biya Siddiqi

( 1 )
عضو منذ 28-11-2016
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