hi these are all new products to sale the prices are present description and can be negotiated

30 / 1



kiko blush 3.5

lipbalm 1

body scrub 2.5

sephora lipstick each 8.5

Skinny eyebrow 1

sephora lipbalm 3

leniege mask 5.5

glitter sephora 2

kvd liner 9

HB lipcontoure 10

Rare mascara 9

maybelline brows 3

maybelline lipstick each 4

Vs lipgloss 3.5 each

HB lipstick 12

lipscrub 3

maybelline mascara 1

Lauramercier 9

stilla illuminator 6.2

bootsface 2

maybelline mascara 6

maybelline concelar 4

Rare liquid blush 9

HB blush 12

makeup4eva 9

fenty skin 6

Thenimetyou 5

Clinique 9

Ohmytint 1

maybelline lip 3.

إعلان رقم: 255345501

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صاحب الإعلان

 sarosh omair

sarosh omair

( 0 )
عضو منذ 04-06-2024
وقت التجاوب خلال 4 ساعات


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