سيسكو سيرفر Cisco UCS C220 M5 Rack Server

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This Cisco UCS C220 M5 SFF Rack Server is a powerful and fully managed unit that comes with two Xeon processors, 1 TB DDR4 SDRAM, and a maximum RAM capacity of 2 TB. It has four WAN ports and supports ATA over Ethernet network type. The server is equipped with 6x 1.9TB + 4 x 3.8TB SAS(26.6 TB Storage at total), Ethernet (RJ-45), and USB 2.0 interfaces, making it a versatile and connected unit for enterprise networking. The Cisco UCS C220 M5 SFF Rack Server is a great choice for those who need a

إعلان رقم: 255154527

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 Networks City

Networks City

( 1 )
عضو منذ 02-10-2024
وقت التجاوب خلال 1 ساعة


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