Pure scotish fold for sale Adorable beautiful kitten

خدمة التوصيلقبل 21 ساعة
5 / 1



Meet Lona, a beautiful 4-month-old Scottish Fold mixed with British Shorthair. She has adorable folded ears and a playful, friendly nature. Lona has received her first vaccination, is dewormed, and has been checked by a vet with a clean bill of health. She is litter-trained and enjoys both dry and wet food. Lona comes with full paperwork from the vet confirming her good health. Both her mother and father are purebred British Shorthairs.

She is a wonderful companion and would make a great additi

إعلان رقم: 254884139

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80 ريال
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عضو منذ 24-01-2021


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