2025 Xiaomi Smart 4K TV- 55 inch - NEW (not used)

خدمة التوصيل16-11-2024
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Model: Xiaomi TV A 55 inch (2025)

Condition: Brand new, unopened, still in the original box.

55-inch 4K Ultra HD Display: Stunning visuals with crisp detail and vibrant colors.

Google TV: Access thousands of apps, movies, and shows with built-in Google TV.

Chromecast Built-in: Seamlessly stream content from your phone, tablet, or laptop.

Dolby Audio & HDR: Enhanced audio and stunning high dynamic range for a cinematic experience.

إعلان رقم: 254695483

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 Luai Al Busaidi

Luai Al Busaidi

( 1 )
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