Sigma 70-300MM F4-5.6 dg Macro

خدمة التوصيل10-11-2024
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Sigma 70-300MM F4-5.6 dg Macro


The Sigma 70-300mm 4-5.6 DG Macro lens is the compact and economical choice for a telephoto zoom lens. Capable of macro photography, this lens has a 1:2 maximum close-up magnification at the 300mm focal length. It is the ideal high performance lens for portraits, sports photography, nature photography, and other types of photography that frequently use the telephoto range.

Price: 55/OMR

To Place an order Call / Whatsapp at: إضغط ليظهر الرقم.. (970022XX

إعلان رقم: 254373587

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