Deli Glass Suction Cup

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Deli-DL-XP22 Glass Suction Cup

REF. DL-XP22 Color: /

SAP: 100144690 Specification: ABS Two Claws,118mm, 80kg

A glass suction cup is a tool commonly used in the glass industry for lifting, moving, and fitting glass panels safely and securely. These suction cups are particularly useful for installing large glass panels, mirrors, windows, or for carrying out glass repairs. They use vacuum pressure to create a strong hold on smooth surfaces, allowing workers to lift and manipulate heavy glass with

إعلان رقم: 254315565

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صاحب الإعلان

 Seller id 64133897 Rajesh

Seller id 64133897 Rajesh

( 3 )
عضو منذ 20-11-2022
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