Elegant Floral Majlis Sofa Set (12 meters, corner tables, center table, cushions)

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Elevate Your Living Space with This Elegant Floral Majlis Sofa Set

Transform your living room into a cozy oasis with this stunning Majlis sofa set. Featuring a captivating floral pattern and plush cushions, this set offers both style and comfort. With its impressive 12-meter long sofa segments and versatile configuration options, this set is perfect for any room size.


* Captivating floral pattern upholstery

* Plush cushions for ultimate relaxation

* 12-meter long sofa segments

* Ve

إعلان رقم: 254299033

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صاحب الإعلان

 Younus Shafi

Younus Shafi

( 0 )
عضو منذ 22-10-2024


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