Haino Teko MS-96 Portable Bluetooth Speaker With 2 Wireless Mic

خدمة التوصيل04-11-2024
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Haino Teko MS-96 Portable Bluetooth Speaker With 2 Wireless Mic


-POWERFUL SOUND: Delivers crystal clear stereo sound with deep bass through dual full range drivers and passive radiators.

-VERSATILE MICROPHONES: Includes 2 wireless microphones with 100m range for presentations, karaoke, or voice recordings.

-BLUETOOTH CONNECTIVITY: Connects to smartphones, tablets and other devices via Bluetooth

Wireless music streaming.

-LONG BATTERY LIFE: Built-in rechargeable lithium-ion battery provides up to 12 hours of continuous playback on a single charge.

Price: 11.5/OMR

To Place an order Call / Whatsapp at: إضغط ليظهر الرقم.. (970022XX

إعلان رقم: 254058109

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11.5 ريال
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