Karcher - Spray Extraction Cleaner SE 4001 ]

خدمة التوصيل03-11-2024
8 / 1



For Sale: Almost New Vacuum Cleaner!

I’m selling a high-quality vacuum cleaner that I’ve only used once. It’s in excellent condition and works perfectly! Ideal for keeping your home clean without the hassle. The Karcher SE 4001 spray extraction cleaner cleans deep into the fibres of textile surfaces such as carpets, sofas and upholstery. Perfect for allergy sufferers and households with pets. The Karcher SE 4001 spray extraction cleaner cleans deep into the fibres of textile surfaces such as carpets, sofas, upholstery and car seats.


Brand/Model: [Karcher - Spray Extraction Cleaner SE 4001 ]

إعلان رقم: 253975617

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100 ريال
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