Sony fs7 cinema camera. Netflix approved

خدمة التوصيل22-10-2024
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4K Super 35mm Exmor CMOS sensor XDCAM camera with α Mount lens system, 4K/2K RAW and XAVC recording options Designed as a camera that is at home on productions as diverse as "Cinéma Vérité"-style documentaries, reality TV, commercial and corporate applications Sony's PXW-FS7 XDCAM Super 35 Camera System is a flexible 4K camera system. It features a Super 35mm size sensor that allows you to capture images with cinematic depth of field. The camera's E-mount is machined from stainless steel and all

إعلان رقم: 253352417

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 Adnan Gabol Baloch

Adnan Gabol Baloch

( 2 )
عضو منذ 23-05-2019
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