Fujifilm XT3 + Professional Lenses Bundle – Perfect for Photographers & Videographers!

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Selling a Fujifilm XT3 with a versatile kit lens and two premium prime lenses to suit both photographers and videographers. This bundle includes:

Fujifilm XT3 – 26.1 MP sensor, 4K video, renowned Fuji color science.

Kit Lens 18-55mm f2.8-4 – Ideal for everyday shooting with great versatility.

Viltrox 13mm f1.4 (Autofocus) – A wide-angle gem, perfect for landscapes, astrophotography, and cinematic video.

7Artisans 35mm f1.4 (Manual Focus) – A classic lens for portraits with a stunning bokeh e

إعلان رقم: 251583079

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