Scooter xiaomi s1

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قبل 12 ساعة
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Xiaomi Mi Electric Scooter 1S is a streamlined electric scooter for casual commuters. Weighing just 12.5 kg, it can be folded in only 3 seconds, with a folded height of just 49 cm.

With a 30km-range at up to 25km/h, the Mi Electric Scooter 1S has three speed modes that riders can easily switch between: the Pedestrian mode for speeds under 5km/h, the Standard mode for speeds under 20km/h, and the Sports mode that unleashes the full power of the brushless DC motor.

The updated kinetic energy re

إعلان رقم: 250946635

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 eisa nez

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عضو منذ 26-02-2022
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